Sawmill and Timber

Everything else! => Off the Topic! => Topic started by: starmac on March 22, 2018, 04:50:59 PM

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Title: Citigroups new policy.
Post by: starmac on March 22, 2018, 04:50:59 PM
I do not know if posting a link is ok on here, but everyone needs to see this.
Title: Re: Citigroups new policy.
Post by: Ox on March 23, 2018, 09:56:08 AM
Sickening.  Maddening.  Unconstitutional. 

I propose to split each state separating the communist left wing liberals and patriotic right wing conservatives.  Kind of like segregation all over again, isn't it?  All applicable laws and rules will follow the respective groups.  It won't take long for folks to see which ideal is the better choice.

United together will never happen.  Ever.  The deep state has us so divided that all we do is bicker about everything and yet live under the same roof.