Hey y'all!
I've not been in here for......too long.
And if you were happy about my absence, you have Howard to thank for calling me back in. LOL Howard contacted me and I decided to come visit. I've already bookmarked the place so I won't get lost again.
For those of you who might actually remember me, my husband isn't milling enough to say he doing so, but he went back to work in the logging woods. I'm no longer working at the store: the natives (children) were starting to take over around here. Plus...I'm a wife and mom first. I really needed to put that priority first.
For those of you who don't have a clue as to who I am and who are new to this forum, I wanna tell ya somethin'....you won't find a better bunch of people than right here. When I found this forum, my husband was telling everyone he knew that he was about to buy a sharpener and setter so that...>I<...could resharp for him.
I couldn't even keep my own pocket knife sharp....and what the heck was a "Setter", anyhow? In one day, I found a used Sharpener and Setter and this forum, where Howard and several others very patiently started teaching me what this equipment was, what it did, what I needed to do, etc. I was sharpening blades, half way decent, I might add, within 24 hours. In fact, when I went to buy and pickup the Sharpener and Setter, the guy turned the Sharpener on and I instantly knew what was going on because the guys had told me so much information. I just now had visuals to make all the dots they gave me connect!
I ramble on about all that to say this: if you have a question or problem, this is the place you need to be because these guys KNOW their business! AND...they have great big hearts, to boot. (but keep that part quiet...I'm not sure they want that last part to get around.
It's good to be back! Now...I'm gonna go see what all y'all have been up to!