SUCCESSFUL ... Best way to describe how the show went.
It was great to be there, see existing customers, meet new people and represent Kasco WoodMaxx the best way I know how. Spoke to an untold number of people on various subjects involving blades, application, sawmill related issues, etc.
I did what I've always done and why I attend these shows - To help, educate and inform people with factual and candid information. Didn't matter if a person was looking to make a future purchase or just needed help with troubleshooting their machine. I did my best to assist everyone whom stopped by and give them the time and attention they needed/deserved.
The icing on the cake was this...
Baker WON the Sawmill Shootout !!! By a little over 3/4 of a log.

Unbeknownst to most everyone attending was the blade they were running, the Kasco SuperMAXX (7/40) w/ a twist.
Those blades were overnight shipped to me to have a "super tune"

and be dialed in for that particular application. Blades were in my shop at 4am Thurs. morning and hand delivered to the Baker crew Thurs. afternoon.

This was the first time this has been done by/for Baker and the Shootout.
Sure made me proud to play a small role their HUGE success this year.

Hank, the sawyer, is the real man of the hour. He DID NOT use setworks. All sawing was done from the scale and he did the math in his head for the cuts. On top of that, he actually sawed "lumber". He worked the cant for stress, turned it accordingly, etc. From my birds-eye view, everyone else was squaring up and sawing thru and thru. Not saying they didn't saw an acceptable product, but Hank was clearly taking extra time to ensure his lumber was "right".
Log Scale Sawn - +/- 1475 bdft / hour
Actual Recovery Sawn- 1656.72 bdft / hour with NO setworks