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time differences/time zones?

(1/3) > >>

I'm pretty sure that when I just posted I saw the time was 11 something PM.  Is this the west coast time zone, or.........?  Just curious.  It don't really matter.  Just trying to be a little chatty which isn't really in my nature.  :D

John B:
I noticed the same thing. The time went screwy the last time the forum software was updated.

I Think the time is set to GMT. 

Folks on the east coast of the USA are -5 GMT, central -6, west coast -8, and 907 -9.

If i'm right, the time of this post will be about 1:26 AM.

The actual time is 8:26 PM

John B:
I was wrong. The time does not match any continent.

I'm sure Jay or Kirk can fix it.

Kirk Allen:
Huh, not seeing what the problem is.  Time seems fine?  US Central.   ................oh, wait, I did reset it LOL!  Didn't think it would reset every post to match up correctly though!

You rascal! lol


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