hey everyone I'm planning a trip to germany to visit my family (my mom is from there, dad was in the army) I've been there twice when i was younger and then the last time was ten years ago.....it's a awesome place from what i remember. me and my girlfriend are going over in april-march with tax return.
the question i have for everyone is, has anyone ever been to Amsterdam? my girlfriend and i are planning on taking a train up there for a couple days. I'm throwing the idea of proposal around, on one of them boat things they push thru the canals. i figure my family will still have to work and we are going to be there for 2 weeks so it should work out. also thats where my parents went for there honey moon so we can take pic's in the same place as they did? kinda corny i know

anyways if anyones been there, any advice tips , places to eat, any info I'd greatly appreciate. thanks