So I've been wanting a shaper and been cruising craigslist for a month or two. Just needed a smaller one, got some raised panel cabinet doors to make, some tongue and groove to do and possibly a front door, among other projects.
Anyway.. While looking, I find a new add of a guy looking to sell or trade a JET JWS-22CS shaper, after some negotiations I traded him my JET JWBS 12" bandsaw. Even up! I'm thinking his machine was worth more but mine was in better shape. He was wanting a bandsaw, and I was wanting a shaper.. I am pleased.
Now I need to go through the shaper and track down some missing parts, a guard, a couple knobs, and the collets to use router bits. No bits came with it so I need to get some of those too so I can try this little guy out.
Any words of wisdom concerning a shaper? I've used a router table for years so I'm guessing its about the same. I do see shapers run forward or backwards (spindle rotation) Not sure as to why..
So here's the trade
For this..
Had a bunch of other stuff he gave me with it, trying to figure out what it is ( I think stone countertop toolage) and if it has any value.