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Everything else! > Off the Topic!



Imagine living in Germany in 1936, about the time the Jewish persecution was ramping up.  They had been legally disarmed by government decree, and stripping them of property was underway.....assaults on Jews were not discouraged, and no one was arrested for crimes against the them....they were not allowed to leave, no other nations would allow them in....and the Holocaust occurred.

And now, in America....well, stay tuned.  going to be 6 million illegals crossing the border by the end of the year, Democrats want to erase your right to defend yourself, and it is popular across America (not in Oklahoma) to call for eradication of the Jews.

Now, they want our AR15s.....and do not realize that the weapons they desire to seize are not the most lethal we have.

Kirk Allen:
They have no idea what they are about to unleash.

I concur.  Poke a bear enough times and he will snap with unmitigated anger.


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