And, the closer you come to buying a mill. It took me three years to finally decide. I did so immediately upon watching a MD mill in operation by the owner of the company. The rest is history.
But Frank...hasn't your family been in this business for years??
Here's one of my thoughts/questions.
I know someone that bought the WM15 with the 25Hp engine and a few accessories like the extra extention beds, shingle/beveler.
As a novice I asked him how he edges the boards. I mean I'm not that dumb to think one couldn't clamp together some of the cut planks and get a cut through the top again but that seems as though it could be a bit of hassle depending how straight the log was.
Then of course one could buy an edger but aren't those a small fortune? One of many other tools we need to run an efficient/successful mill?
So that brings into my thought process...another good reason to buy a swing mill. I'm wondering if you weigh out all the costs between the mill and edger what does that add up a band mill you can cut wide boards. With the swingmill from what I can tell you'd have to dbl cut but you can't do that on a verticle cut.
So put that into the equation.
Of course you do have to figure out before hand what you're primarily using the mill for but it'd be nice to have all the options there or at least the options that are reasonable $$$.
That brings to mind the new mill Carl is working on (
the 12" cut. I'm wondering what the cost of that will be and you still wouldn't get the verticle cut (would you?). the big differance between the MD and the Peterson mill (for a novice to consider : )? hear one company talking bad about another companies design which in my opinion is bad business to do ..its a big turn off to me as a consumer. I've heard one band mill company talk about how bad the canteliever design is on "some" (yeh right, mills. That when the carriage gets to the end it wobbles and makes for a wavy board. This I seriously doubt other wise some (WoodMizer.cough cough)
of these cantelievered designed mills'd be out of business rather than thriving.
From a novice.