My wife and I are heading north to Chicago in the morning with a trailer load of Spalted Maple, Spalted Sycamore, Wide plank Red Oak, Ash, Cherry, Maple, and Eastern Red Cedar.
We have 4 stops to make and plan on bringing home a Delta 6x48 Belt Sander that is a year old and used very little. Trading some 12/4 maple for it, or $75. I will decide when I get there. Same stop I am picking up a 1969 Craftsman Radial Arm Saw for $100.

Then I have two wood sale stops that cover the cost of the tools I picked up in the morning as well as getting my Steel City Cabinet saw in exchange for lumber and some cash, which also came from lumber sales. that is loaded and secured on the trailer its off to the last stop of the day to pick up a Milwaukee circular saw. $90, which again, is paid for from the lumber sales previously. Its brand new and still in the box!
If all goes as planned the trip is only going to cost me about 1 tank of fuel, and with diesel hitting $1.99 a gal, my fill up only cost me $39.95 so I think I am coming out smelling like a rose!

Next Satuday its off to a small town north of me to trade 75 board feet of soft maple for a Steel City Benchtop Mortiser!