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Author Topic: Governor sticking?  (Read 11069 times)

Offline woodsman

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Governor sticking?
« on: April 07, 2009, 06:38:46 PM »
I once had a scare thing occur on my 1966 Mobil D. The mill jamed in a cut and I released it to come back. I had the throttle peged and as you might know it comes back about twice as fast as you send it forward. But it seemed to go even faster than that, so fast it keep on going. It busted the stop right off and land on the ground still running. I was able to shut it off and reattach it. But a very unnerving experience that gave me a new respect for saftey. I've never had it happen again, but the image is still in my brain of it flying off the carriage.

Thanks Jason

Online Kirk Allen

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Re: Governor sticking?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2009, 09:13:13 PM »
Sounds like something the company needs to know about. That could be a major safety problem. 
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Offline DaveK

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Re: Governor sticking?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2009, 09:40:07 PM »
I've had some good scares, but I think you just topped anything that has happened to me :o

Offline Frank Pender - AKA "Tail Gunner"

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Re: Governor sticking?
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2009, 10:44:50 PM »
It sounds as though the engine reved beyond a point it should have gone.  I was just up at the factory on Monday and Ron had Jim put in a new type of rotor for the distributor.   The new part is designed to kill the engine when such an thing might happen.

I would also recommend that you double check the rubber stop and the bolt that is holding it in place.

Dit you call the factory for assistance on not having this happen again?

There is also a oil flip cap that you are to lub from time to time.  Just a drop or two will help keeping things from getting stuck, I would bet.

Offline woodsman

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Re: Governor sticking?
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2009, 09:48:15 PM »
yeah it was pretty scarey but I didn't call the Factory. I think the main reason it jumped off the end was the stop was badly worn. It broke off when it was hit, I have it replaced now. I have oiled the governor as well.

Offline sawmill_john

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Re: Governor sticking?
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2009, 07:48:42 PM »
Woodsman, your exciting incident, sounds familiar, I have heard of that happening. What probablly happened was you dis-engaged the clucth lever, to free the mill, when you do that and the engine is still running, the blade becomes a large wheel, which pushes the carriage back at a high rate of speed, even a new stop & bolt wouldn't hold a carriage shooting back at that rate of speed.  To all you guys with older mills(belt reduction feedworks) if the carriage binds in the cut try to trip the reverse lever, but never shift it into neutral, until the engine has stopped. 

Frank, so they still have the speed limiter rotors, how much are they now? they have been available for quite a while, along with the electronic igniton kits that bolt right into the standard distributors.  When are you getting you SUPER mill?


Offline Frank Pender - AKA "Tail Gunner"

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Re: Governor sticking?
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2009, 08:33:04 PM »
I do not know the cost of a new rotor, as it was a gift from Ron.

The super mill is coming after our friend in Alaska gets the first one.  He is in more need than myself, right now.  I will take the second.  Ron wanted me to have the first, but I felt that Alaska ought to have the first one.