Heading out to Chicago to drop off a son with his H.S. friend for a Bull's game. dropping the son off in Naperville Saturday afternoon the 9th and heading for Casey. Was planning on stopping in at to see Kirk Allen at Kansas, but he is running away for the weekend?

Must be he was scared off by the Three Wise Guys. LOL
Looking for anyone else in the general region wanting to talk carving, sawmilling, wood turning, or motorcycling. I will warn you that we are a couple of WILD and CRAZY GUYS!

OK....maybe not so wild... but some people think we are a little crazy.... most notably our wives/significant others. Anyone looking to share a cup of coffee, a seat by the stove for an hour or so, or a trip around your shop/mill/yard, and maybe a quick trip to the outhouse for two gray haired, middle aged Northeasterners and a token gray bearded Canadian Garden Troll give me a shout.
I our only constraints are arriving in Naperville, Saturday afternoon from Whitby, ON and have to be back in Naperville Monday afternoon. We have lodging in Casey, Illinois available, but we are open to traveling almost anywhere for a cup of Joe and a warm shop!