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Author Topic: Walnut slabs  (Read 8763 times)

Offline Stevem

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Walnut slabs
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:41:04 PM »
Interesting web site:

Heard about this guy this week end.  Has a Lucas Mill with a slabber, bought from Balyes and paid for it the first two trees he cut.  We could learn something here.

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Offline SDB777

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Re: Walnut slabs
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2010, 07:57:02 PM »
Well...interested minds want to know, what did you hear?

There are a lot of interesting sites around the 'net that are offering slabs.  But most of the stuff you see is very exotic (Waterfall Bubinga @ really big monies!) >>>>Bubinga<<<<
I've actually bought wood from this site, and it's everything they show in the photo's!  And they also work their own wood...

Scott (making pens doesn't take much wood) B
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