I bent the handle on one of the log-rite Pee-Vee's today

Was rolling an over sized Madrone log to the mill and placed the pee-vee between the log and the mill while using the clamp and a chain while assisting the other end in with the second pee-vee. Well the log was heavy and the handle bent.
Got a lot a good hard use out of these two but looks like it is time to order another one or two.
Found another use for a pee-vee.
Was milling the Madrone logs into 4" slabs 10' long as wide as the mill will cut.
Then off loading the heavy slabs by hand.
Needed a good roller and the handle of the pee-vee worked real good, just use the hook as a crank and crank the slab right off the log onto the stack at the back of the mill.
Down side is the hook can get you real good if it gets away from you.